BoD Meeting Minutes (April 16, 2023)

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for April 16, 2023. Taken by Jonathan Booker.
Officers Present: Kavya Rajagopalan, Gabi Twombly, Shwetha, Matticus Brown, Rachel Ding, Jonathan Booker
Floor: Michael Gutierrez
Call to Order: 7:10
Officer’s Reports:
President (Kavya)
- VPSA Meeting on 4-19
- We are potentially getting an active advisor. Guutz has been active with the current one.
- Guutz: A lot of people are discouraged to take the journalism class because it is not a writing intensive.
V.P of Academic Affairs (Twombly)
- SFC is this this Tuesday. Everyone please attends.
- There were issues with scheduling rooms, so the new list of rooms is about to be sent out.
- There have been issues with Faculty ignoring the Vice-Provost’s emails about the SFC.
V.P of Non-Academic Affairs (Sophie)
- Nothing to Report
Director of Operations (Shwetha)
- Nothing to Report
Treasurer (Rachel)
- Dabney interhouse costs have been reimbursed.
- Scaffolding is still in the SAC.
Social Director (Matticus)
- Still waiting on the pictures from the formal.
- We are working on reimbursements for Uber rides from formal.
- I am talking with the bus company to get some sort of refund for all the issues.
- I will work on getting OW compensated.
Secretary (Jonathan)
- Please start on transition guides for your successors so they don’t have to figure out everything from scratch again.
Tech Editor-in-Chief (Michael)
- We have been making a new work flow to make operations significantly easier.
- Adobe, Notion, and Discord are our main applications.
- We have been branching out to social media as well.