Writers' Strike

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is currently on strike. The last time this happened was in 2008 and lasted around 2 months. This current one is promising to wrap up soon as studios have been slightly giving in to the demands. So, what are the demands on the writers? They want better to pay and working conditions as well as stricter rules about AI. Personally, I have been inspired by the writer’s strike. I too am a long-suffering writer, churning out articles under the relentless Tech Editor, Michael Gutierrez (Ay 25’, Dabney/Ricketts). The working conditions are cruel and unusual, the tech room is routinely kept at inhumane temperatures leaving us poor writers to shiver in the cold as our freezing fingers type out word after word after word. And what of the pay? 0.04 dollars a word? Ridiculous I say. At that price I’m going to start making up words like “Standorf” just to fill space. Frankly, until I am paid what I’m worth (10 dollars a word) I will not write a single additional article for the Tech. Ignore this article and the other ones I published in this issue. In fact, for the next two months, you won’t see a single article of mine published! In fact I have a feeling that you won’t see much of anything published over the summer. Some writers for the tech were at a protest of sorts this weekend protesting the poor conditions. Any rainbow flags or gay people present were a total coincidence and this protest certainly had nothing to do with the LA pride event. I demand better. Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! Hopefully the WGA’s demands are met and the Writers Guild achieves better working conditions, we all deserve to be paid a living wage.