The California Tech Sponsored Workout 2 — Techxercises

The California Tech Sponsored Workout 2:

As your friendly neighborhood former Dabney Athman, I have a great passion for trying to get people to go to the gym. As part of these efforts, I would like to give you a nice example workout. And guess what? Today is leg day!


  • A great leg exercise you can do either with weight or with a copy of your favorite campus publication, The California Tech.


  • While you’re doing lunges, picture yourself lunging towards the journalistic integrity and principles we here at The Tech are always striving for.

Leg Curls

  • Drop a copy of The Tech on the floor beneath your bench to entertain you as you workout your legs.


  • As you step upwards, imagine yourself stepping up to the plate to write articles for The Tech. Think of how much cooler you would be if you were getting paid 4 cents a word to contribute to Caltech’s oldest campus newspaper.

Warm Up:

  • 0.25 mile jog
  • 1min jump rope

Circuit (do each exercise, rest then repeat x4):

  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Lunges
  • 8 Leg Curls
  • 20 Step-Ups

Cool Down:

  • Do some static stretches to cool down, then grab a copy of The Tech and read through it for good measure.