Caltech Spinoff Virtualitics Gives Back with $100,000 Pledge for AI Research

In a heartwarming story of alumni giving back, Caltech spinoff company Virtualitics has pledged $100,000 over five years to support cutting-edge artificial intelligence research at its alma mater. The donation will go toward the Computing, Data, and Society Program (CDSP) Fellows initiative, which aims to explore the real-world impacts of emerging technologies like AI. Virtualitics, founded in 2016 by Caltech alum Michael Amori (MS ‘07) along with professors George Djorgovski and Ciro Donalek, specializes in using AI, machine learning, and data visualization to analyze large datasets. The company’s roots trace back to innovative work done at Caltech’s Center for Data-Driven Discovery (CD3).

“Most of our technical team graduated from Caltech, so we feel a connection and want to foster a relationship,” said Amori, Virtualitics’ CEO and cofounder. “I hope that this funding will enable Caltech to train the new generation of computer scientists and create new research ideas in AI.” The CDSP Fellows program itself grew out of collaborations between Caltech faculty and alumni. Professors Adam Wierman and Chris Umans developed the concept after discussions with alumni on the Information Science and Technology Advisory Council. The program brings in postdoctoral scholars to work on societally relevant applications of computer science and data technologies.

“Computer science is a sprawling field with connections to so many different areas, and we represent certain pieces of it at Caltech,” Umans explained. “This program gives us a chance to sample more broadly. We can bring in postdoctoral scholars who work on algorithmic fairness, for example, or ethical AI, or disinformation.”

Since its launch in early 2022, the CDSP Fellows fund has supported four two-year appointments for researchers exploring areas like large language models, reinforcement learning, and AI applications in chemistry and mathematical reasoning. The program aims to create new interdisciplinary connections that can have lasting impacts.

Virtualitics’ donation comes at a critical time, as AI technologies are poised to transform numerous industries and aspects of society. “We’re all going to be hit by an AI tsunami in the years to come,” Amori noted. “I think Caltech is going to be one of the places that helps shape that wave, and it’s exciting to be a part of it.” The company’s pledge exemplifies a growing trend of tech startups giving back to the institutions that nurtured their growth. A 2023 study by the National Venture Capital Association found that over 60% of venture-backed startups engage in some form of philanthropic activity, with education being a top priority.

As AI continues to evolve at a rapid pace, initiatives like the CDSP Fellows program play a crucial role in ensuring the technology is developed responsibly and ethically. Caltech’s renown in computer science and engineering makes it well-positioned to lead in this area. With support from alumni-led companies like Virtualitics, Caltech aims to expand the CDSP Fellows cohort to 5–10 researchers annually. This growing community of interdisciplinary scholars will be at the forefront of addressing the societal implications of AI and other emerging technologies.

As the field of AI advances, the partnership between Caltech and its successful spinoffs promises to yield exciting developments that could shape the future of technology and society. Virtualitics’ donation serves as a model for how academic institutions and industry can collaborate to drive innovation while accounting for its broader impacts.


Pasadena Now. (2024, January 31). Caltech Spinoff Gives Back to the Place Where It All Began.

Caltech. (n.d.). Center for Data Driven Discovery (CD3). Retrieved September 29, 2024, from

Caltech. (n.d.). Information Science and Technology. Retrieved September 29, 2024, from

Virtualitics. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved September 29, 2024, from