The Tech is not simply a broadcaster of all opinions that happen to come from Caltech students. All opinions are not created equal, and they should not be treated as such.
As your friendly neighborhood former Dabney Athman, I have a great passion for trying to get people to go to the gym. As part of these efforts, I would like to give you a nice example workout.
On Monday, April 29th, a group of demonstrators led by Caltech Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) in conjunction with Pasadena for Palestine and other faith-based groups from local churches.
Anyone who receives financial aid from Caltech between fall term 2019 and February 28, 2024, is part of the settlement class and will receive a payout if they file a valid claim form.
Last month, over 140 professorial faculty signed and submitted to the administration a petition calling for the reinstatement of the SAT as a criterion for admissions.