Michael Gutierrez

This Moment in Time: A Celebration of Ephemerality

This Moment in Time: A Celebration of Ephemerality

At the beginning of the fall term, the Caltech Pond Bridge was transformed by artist Lita Albuquerque into a gold foil installation — the largest she has made to date — dubbed This Moment in Time. It’s part of a larger art exhibit at Caltech called Crossing Over: Art and Science at Caltech. Apparently, some people couldn’t wait until December 15th to walk over the bridge, which has been gradually sullied with footprints over the course of the term. This came as somewhat of a disappointment to Albuquerque.
Where is the CHASE Report?

Where is the CHASE Report?

The Committee on House Assessment, Support, and Experience (CHASE) was formed in Spring 2023 and “charged by the Vice President for Student Affairs Kevin Gilmartin to develop strategic recommendations to ensure that the undergraduate houses remain supportive living and learning environments, where current and future Caltech students can thrive and succeed,” according to an email sent to undergraduates last spring.