
Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As the beginning of February comes back around, you may notice an increase in red or dragon imagery on campus or around Pasadena; Lunar New Year is approaching on the 10th, a celebration of a new year timed by the lunar calendar instead of solar calendar.
Sinister Six Thirty

Sinister Six Thirty

To remind readers where we left off in the previous episode, Elizabeth Zott — female chemist in the 1950s who mastered out of her UCLA Ph.D. program and became a lab technician at Hastings — is now working in Dr. Calvin Evans laboratory.
Dear Orange

Dear Orange

What is this column about? This is the first time I’m seeing “Dear Orange” in this paper or hearing about it at all for that matter. Please tell me more.
The Warped Side of Our Universe

The Warped Side of Our Universe

Out in the depths of space lie phenomena beyond our understanding. They lie in the realm of quantum gravity, the insides of black holes, wormholes, and gravitational waves. Kip Thorne (BS 62’, Blacker) and Lia Halloran explore these topics through the mediums of verse and art in their new book, The Warped Side of Our Universe.
Minecraft 1.20 Update Review

Minecraft 1.20 Update Review

With the end of term fast approaching and the taste of freedom on the tip of the tongues of Caltech students, the knowledge of having free time for the first time in months is undeniably tantalizing. But what to do with that free time is a question that has yet to be answered.