When I sent out my university applications it was as if my entire country was against me, no one wanted me to leave the traditional circle of the native student, and yet, here I am. I believe I owe this story to many people, but especially to that little girl with dark curls who, as soon as she set foot in the United States for the first time, felt a calling, felt totally a daughter of the American dream.
Way back in October of 2014, I rolled the dice and decided to see if there was any interest on campus in practicing mindfulness meditation in a group setting. Within a few weeks, we had a steady crowd coming to the Winnett Student Center, and I was delighted that the gamble had paid off. We dubbed ourselves the Meditation Mob, and last month we began our 10th consecutive year. This year is especially exciting because we’re finally returning to in-person meetings – and now that we’re back in person, I wanted to kickstart our membership again. I’m grateful to the Tech for the opportunity to tell you about what we do, and to invite you to come join us.
While houses throw a significant portion of the social events during the year, ASCIT throws events open to the entire student body every term. We’ve listed an overview of the events that we both host and help out with, often with our advisor, Tom Mannion, the Senior Director of Student Activities and Alumni Engagement.
Following Dabney Boat Tours, Chill at Page, and Ricketts Open Mic Night, the team-based, tournament-style competition centered around the promise of a massive water fight at the end, which participants could use their tickets to prepare for. Up for sale were water guns, tubs of water balloons, and defensive materials like mattresses and cardboard. To earn tickets, participants competed against each other in a series of games - ranging from lock picking to tug of war.
In the mystical realm of Yosemite National Park, where towering sequoias whisper tales of centuries past and granite giants stand as stoic sentinels to the whims of time, a brave band of Caltech students - prefrosh, returning undergrads, and grad students - embarked on a four-day backpacking and camping odyssey as a part of the annual Caltech Y hiking trip.
Dear Orange, What is this column about? I’m new to Caltech and don’t know much about this paper, or Caltech at all for that matter. Please tell me more. Sincerely, Curious
2023 Undergraduate Acacdemic Awards Jin Ming Koh, a senior in Physics and Computer Science will receive the 2023 George W. Housner Prize for Academic Excellence and Original Research at commencement. This award is given to seniors in the upper 20% of their class for an outstanding piece of original scientific research.
Elsa Palumbo, a senior Astrophysics and Physics, and Pavlos Stavrinides, a senior in Applied and Computational Mathematics will share the 2023 George W.