My Frosh Year 2022-23: A Reflection

My Frosh Year 2022-23: A Reflection

It’s a beautiful day outside… the birds are singing, flowers are blooming… and it’s cloudy??? That’s right people, it’s cloudy here in beautiful Southern California. Where is the “almost 365 days of sunshine” I was promised by the Admissions Office in my acceptance letter a year ago?
New Undergraduate Dean Appointed

New Undergraduate Dean Appointed

“I can say that when I was first asked about it, it obviously seemed like a challenging role, but I genuinely believe that I can stand up to the challenge,” chimed Dr. Jennifer Jahner, newly appointed Dean of Undergraduate Students.
Question the Quail #4

Question the Quail #4

A new advice column about life, love, classes, and everything in between! Brought to you by the one and only California Tech.
The Admin Corner - Lesley Nye

The Admin Corner - Lesley Nye

As we barrel towards the end of another academic year and prepare to say “au revoir” to our soon-to-be-graduates, I hope we can all take a moment to appreciate the time that we have been able to spend together and reflect upon what we have overcome in the past few years, both as individuals and as a community.