Vol. CXXVII, Issue 1

Censorship and Squirrels

Censorship and Squirrels

On January 21, the Caltech graduate student body received an email entitled “Campus Poll to Protect Wildlife”. The email, for those unfamiliar, provided a link to a poll where students could report concentrations of Fox squirrels on campus so that “yield to wildlife” road signs could be put up in strategic squirrel locations.
Dear Orange - #1

Dear Orange - #1

Dear Orange, What is this column about? I’m new to Caltech and don’t know much about this paper, or Caltech at all for that matter. Please tell me more. Sincerely, Curious
Let's Talk About the Title IX Situation

Let's Talk About the Title IX Situation

The Caltech experience for women and non-binary folks is undeniably influenced by the fact that the majority of people at this school are men. Only in the past few decades has the undergraduate gender ratio at Caltech approached some semblance of balance. Enrollment statistics for Fall 2022 show that 55% of undergraduates are male. Not too shabby for an all-STEM institution.
Profile: Michele Judd, Executive Director, W.M. Keck Institute for Space Studies

Profile: Michele Judd, Executive Director, W.M. Keck Institute for Space Studies

In 1988, Mobil Oil Field foreman Michele Judd stood on top of an oil platform in Paso Robles, California. She did not give much thought to the day ending or the stars coming out. To Judd, this simply signified that the workday was finishing and most of her workers would be heading home, leaving just a skeleton crew to work through the night. But years later, she remembers looking up into the darkening sky, wondering what it would be like working on projects high in space rather than working with materials deep in the earth.