In the field of Neurotechnology, there is a lot of work being done to use brain machine interfaces to help people with motor disabilities regain lost abilities. When reading Professor Andersen’s papers as a high schooler, I remember thinking: this is the kind of research that can help a lot of people.
I guess I should start with a formal apology. I tried. I really did! But despite my best efforts to not cave into the demons telling me to go down the EDM/techno/house rabbit hole, here we are.
Last Monday, President Rosenbaum announced a reorganization of the Student Affairs division. The changes were recommended in the final report from a Visiting Committee on Student Affairs…
The stressors of this Institution go beyond the mental. Caltech-hired landscapers have been criticized for spraying carcinogenic herbicides around graduate student housing…
As your friendly neighborhood former Dabney Athman, I have a great passion for trying to get people to go to the gym. As part of these efforts, I would like to give you a nice example workout.
Nearly every aspect of my housing experience has been significantly improved by living off campus, and I would recommend it to everyone who is feeling even the tiniest ounce of frustration with Caltech Housing.